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Four question in a row

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Gustavo Woltmann

HI, as you know singing is like a language, a body language. what can you do if you don’t have a good voice but want to sing? How can you improve your singing voice? What are the best singing tips out there? What should you focus on when you practice singing?

3 YEARS AGO by Gustavo Woltmann (Musician) · POSTS: 8

P-Dubb Mancini
Gustavo Woltmann

i think beginners must launch a sound recording app on your computer or smartphone. Then, adjust the audio input settings so that it records a pure, unaltered version of your voice. Practice singing to various songs and recording the outcome. try Karaoke as well . There are songs out there that fit your vocal range and style.

3 YEARS AGO by Gustavo Woltmann (Musician) · POSTS: 8

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