Hey, I'm a rapper out in AZ and I'm trying to form a rap group, I have everything we need to make the music and have a few songs out already but I'm looking to form a group of rappers (like wu tang, odd future, etc) the idea is so we can all help each other out and be features on each other's songs. Message me if you're interested
7 YEARS AGO by Triple D (Artist) · POSTS: 2
I wouldn't mind being apart of the rap group as I love to rap.
7 YEARS AGO by Nichole (Songwriter) · POSTS: 3
I’m down, what kind of sound were you going for ?
7 YEARS AGO by Huso (Artist) · POSTS: 3
I like to listen to Nikki Manij and a few others.
7 YEARS AGO by Nichole (Songwriter) · POSTS: 3
i like the idea, i would like to make beats for u guys
7 YEARS AGO by ArifChive (Producer) · POSTS: 3
I'm down, man. Here's my email if you're like to talk more about it. Always up for anything to be honest :)
7 YEARS AGO by Marcangelo | WVNDR (Artist) · POSTS: 1
Man I wish I wasn't so far away. That sounds dope!
6 YEARS AGO by Seizure (Producer) · POSTS: 9
Down to collab with anyone interested
Here's a link to contact me or listen to my music
5 YEARS AGO by Yvng Poltergei$t (Artist) · POSTS: 7
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