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Four question in a row

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Gustavo Woltmann

HI, as you know singing is like a language, a body language. what can you do if you don’t have a good voice but want to sing? How can you improve your singing voice? What are the best singing tips out there? What should you focus on when you practice singing?

4 YEARS AGO by Gustavo Woltmann (Musician) · POSTS: 8

P-Dubb Mancini
Gustavo Woltmann

i think beginners must launch a sound recording app on your computer or smartphone. Then, adjust the audio input settings so that it records a pure, unaltered version of your voice. Practice singing to various songs and recording the outcome. try Karaoke as well . There are songs out there that fit your vocal range and style.

4 YEARS AGO by Gustavo Woltmann (Musician) · POSTS: 8


If you're passionate about opera and classical music or simply curious to discover its beauty, you're in for a treat. Aiode Magazine has compiled a list of some of the most cherished opera arias, perfect for both seasoned fans and newcomers alike. To read the full article and delve into these captivating pieces, visit https://aoidemagazine.com/favorite-opera-arias/

6 MONTHS AGO by Ivy (Fan) · POSTS: 57


Immerse yourself in the captivating world of opera and classical music with Aiode Magazine's selection of favorite opera arias. Discover timeless classics and learn about the great composers behind them. To read the full article, visit https://aoidemagazine.com/favorite-opera-arias/ .

6 MONTHS AGO by Ivy (Fan) · POSTS: 57

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