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Artist · Joined Jun 2017

Drum and BassDubstepElectronicExperimentalOther

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The source of holy ecstasy..

A happy accident in the studio earlier today, in the middle of recording a new song I kinda put this one together as well.. It's a Nintendo'esque remake of my song 'Netflix & Chill', enjoy!

Mi ritrovai per una selva oscura, che la diritta via era smaritta… (“I found myself in dark woods, the right road lost...”) -Dante

I’ve always preferred pick-up sticks to chess anyway…

This is just a tasty test, move along.

Coalbiter (8:00)

Dry and airy… Once thoughts and images are in your skull, it’s impossible to protect yourself against feelings… Feelings are like scarletfever and measles and mumps… a child can survive them, but once you’re a man, it’s your life on the line… I think I had feelings once, mite, even if I can’t rememb

The ravens launched themselves heavily, silently, into the air. I followed after, and it was like I was walking through a mist… into that darkness, silence, cold and loneliness…