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Remotejazz (Robert L Bryant)

Remotejazz (Robert L Bryant)

Producer · Joined Mar 2018


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Ambient piano and saxophone, - written and produced by RL Bryant and Vadim Chelnokov(VAD75). From the album entitled "Ocean View" to be released in the late Fall of 2017/2018.

Latin flavored jazzy piano with muted trumpet, acoustic guitar and lots of percussion. "A Steadfast Heart" is from our Fall 2017, entitled "Ocean View". More music at remotejazzmusic.com

A Funky and moving piece, which includes saxophone, rhythm guitar, flute and keyboards. From "Ocean View" by Remotejazz. More music at www.remotejazzmusic.com

This is probably the most beautiful tracks I have ever produced! "Beauty from Ashes" will be available on our latest project, which will be released in the fall of 2016. "Reign of Peace". Please enjoy and let me know if you like with your comments. Enjoy!

newcreature reignofpeace Remotejazz smoothjazz robertlbryant remotejazzmusic.com

Jazzy/Bluesy ballad with Keyboard, bass, guitar, drums and strings. "Harvest Time", will be included on our Fall 2016 release entitled "Reign of Peace" Enjoy!

"Ray of Hope" is available now on our latest project entitled "HUNGRY SPIRIT"