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Tommy Eye

Tommy Eye

Artist · Joined Oct 2014


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LOCATION: London, UKWEBSITE: http://www.tommyeye.co.ukINFLUENCES: Kanye West, Lauryn Hill, Common, MacklemoreBIO:

Tommy Eye returns with a brand new online release – ‘First Of The Month’ – an eclectic and ever-growing collision of the straight-ahead and the leftfield, and a brand new single ‘Quit Hitting’. Following his two previous album releases – epic affairs, both in sound and time taken – First Of The Month is direct and immediate, allowing just one month from first creative spark to final cut. This is no drip-feed of forgotten B-sides or old album castoffs – these tunes are as fresh as they come and reflect both Tommy’s urgency to connect and his desire to keep himself at the cutting edge. February’s FOTM is a banger – ‘Quit Hitting’ is dark and witty, a classic Tommy Eye concoction of dazzling flow, huge beats, tongue-in-cheek lyrics and a killer feature from singer/MC Moy Moy. Tommy has supported urban acts the likes of Devlin, Akala, and Ugly Duckling, while his albums and singles have enjoyed industry praise and airtime on community radio station, BBC introducing, and features on the likes of SBTV and GrimeDaily.